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Contact Us
Fee Schedule
Initial consultation (typically 1½ to 2 hours), $325
Follow-up visit (typically up to 1 hour), $145
Patient History
Homeopathy involves collecting and grading your symptoms to find the correct remedy.
During the initial consultation, we gather information about your physical and psychological makeup. We look for common symptoms in diseases and seek those that are rare and specific to your case. All information is strictly confidential.
While you are completing the questionnaire (link below), consider your symptoms’ frequency and strength. The more precise you are in reporting your symptoms, the more helpful the information will be to me—so don’t be reluctant to go into detail. For example, do you get headaches only when you’re in the sun? Or do they occur daily, perhaps always around 4 PM? Do headaches move from the back of your head to behind the right eye? Another example is fear of snakes. Are you cautious “just like everyone else,” or when you encounter one is your fright so intense that you quickly move as far away as possible?
Before your initial evaluation, you must complete the following documents.
1. Consent for Treatment
3. Adult Questionnaire
4. Child/Adolescent Questionnaire (if you are completing for your child or adolescent)
Note: In-depth classical homeopathy is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment and diagnosis.
After you complete these forms, please e-mail them as PDFs as attachments to or mail them to HomeoWorks,
PO Box 9006, Asheville NC 28815.