For all men whom the Higher Nature has endowed with a love of truth, this above all seems to be a matter of concern, that just as they have been enriched by the efforts of their forebears, so they too may work for future generations, so posterity may be enriched by their efforts. For the man who is steeped in the teachings which form our common heritage, yet has no interest in contributing something to the community, is failing in his duty; let him be in no doubt of that; for he is not “a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in due season,” but rather a destructive whirlpool which forever swallows things down and never gives back what it has swallowed. Thinking about these things, lest some day I be accused of burying my talent, I wish not just to put forth buds but to bear fruit for the benefit of all, and to reveal truths that have not been attempted by others.
—From De Monarchia, by Dante Alighieri (1265–1321)